Our Services
Wellness Checks
Bring your newly adopted puppy or lifelong kitty in for their wellness checks. These include routine vaccinations & physical exams. Dr. Bell and his technicians will help evaluate their health by examining their ears, eyes, oral, skin, heart, lungs, abdominal palpation, & lymph node palpation.
Internal medicine
We have a wide variety of diagnostics we can perform when needed. Some of our capabilities include x-ray, ultrasound, echocardiograms, & lab blood analysis. For advanced diagnosis, we can send blood samples to an external lab for endocrine testing, histopathology, & wellness panels.
Surgical Services
Dr. Bell can conduct several elective procedures includes spay, neuter, soft tissue surgery, orthopedics, and some emergency surgery. Specialty procedures can be performed by appointment by the best specializing surgeons.
Total Care
Total care is more than annual shots. We also take care of dental cleanings & extractions, prescription nutrition plans, allergy testing, immunotherapy, microchipping, hospice and euthanasia, senior care, & pain management .